Peripherals part 3: Construction of the rewarding system

We will fix here a linear actuator that will bring the reward to the animal. The reward itself is delivered with two solenoid valves.

A buzzer is added to the system but do not need to be fixed to the table.

Step 1: Additional framework

The following elements will be placed on the air table struts opposite of the pressure relief valve.

Image for tasks of step 1

Step 2: Platform borders

Step 3: Fixing the linear actuator

Pictures of the linear actuator placed with the SmallRig moveable arm

Step 4: Fixing the solenoid pinch valve

Place one solenoid pinch valve at the top of each vertical aluminium strut profile.

Step 5: Tube placement

Finally you need to path the tubing from you source of reward through the solenoid pinch valve to the needle at the linear actuator front.

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