Electronics part 1: Set up of the wiring

Wiring of devices

Wiring configuration

Circuit boards with wiring configuration

Component informations:

H bridge L293D:

Linear actuator:


12V Power supply

We used an DIY approach to connect a 12V power supply. It is shown in the picture below:

The black ending was removed from another electronic device with a 12V power supply. By this we can connect the power supply with the circuit board via cable.

Capacitive sensor MPR121

The left and right sensor in the circuit diagram is meant to be a electrically conductive wire which is attached to each needle.

Not required parts of wiring configuration

The buzzer and LED in the wiring configuration are components of the first use case and may not be required for your set up. Because the provided code is also from the first use case, both components still get mentioned here.

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